Rio Tinto’s East Intercourse Island 6E Tripper moves along Overland Conveyor 6E and transfers both Fines and Lump Ore onto Stockyard Conveyors 7E to 12E. With the current system, the 6E Tripper has no way of mechanically protecting personnel and plant underneath the Tripper Chute creating a potential hazard
The project entails adding a Knife Gate, this will remove the danger and alleviate the downtime currently experienced. The scope requires specialist solutions in Functional Safety Engineering and Design.
Imperium provided the scope, estimate, and execution on time and within budget for the end client. Scope involved Engineering and Design both on site, and in Imperium’s Perth Office.
How We Did It Better
Existing client drawings were not as-built and often had two drawings for the one installation. Imperium deciphered the information between what was seen on-site, as-built, and then completed the upgrades accordingly.
Due to future projects and poor status of some existing equipment, the design allowed for new external panels in strategic locations to make the installation safe and easy to use for operators.